Hackaton 2023
By: Multi12 Oct 2023
Tags: Hackaton, Archive
Ah, Yes it's here, our beloved hacking challenge.
This year at our beloved hackaton, 19 students have gathered to compete for the first place. There were three firms that came to give us our themes... they gave us a

total of six themes:
- Retrospektiv (Assigner: Certicon)
- Texting game, based on the game: Dungeon and dragons, the story would be created using chatGPT (Assigner: Eurosoftware)
- Create an application - Preparing citizens for crisis situations, could be VR (Assigner: Sitport)
- Unity platformer and VR (Assigner: Jitka)
- Physics simulations (balancing a ball and get it to the goal) (Assigner: Jitka)
- Creating an application to control a robotic vacuum :D (Assigner: Burda)
We, creators from {NULL}, chose the first theme: Retrospective...
- Web application for retrospective management
- Login - User accounts
- Multiple retrospectives at once - Manage boards
- Feedback anonymity - Permissions
- Users can be put into groups
After we chose our theme we had to wait for a bit for other students to leave so we could take over the classrooms, meanwhile we had pizza for lunch, there were some tasty types, but most of them sucked ass.... and they prepared drinks for us for the whole day, Kofola, Health -100
. They only gave us 24 hours to complete the projects. We had some difficult work to do...
Our take on the goals
- Web application that allows users to provide feedback, can be set to be anonymous or open
- Users are further classified into groups. Session N:N.
- The board can be either public or private - Public boards can be joined by code.
- In a group, each user has permissions in the range Not a member ~ Administrator
- Administrator/Group Manager can add users to the retrospective and change the phases of the retrospective: Open ~>Presentation ~> Closed
- Later add OAuth option and email functionality
We believed in ourselves that we could do it and get first place, so we immediately got to work-... or not, we didn't do anything for an hour before finally doing something, because we finished discussing what to do. So we began by doing the FE (using Svelte and Tailwind), BE(Python), Database, Presentation, and all the other important things....
{NULL} worked together and after much work they finished at 3rd Place, congratulations and good job to all of us, everyone was very important and did their jobs.
Note: We slept an average of 2 hours I guess