Co-Hackaton 2023

By: Multi
08 Dec 2023
Tags: Hackaton, Archive

Another Hackaton, another try.

The Co-Hackaton we participated in was quite unique, the location was the tech tower of Pilzen...
Most of {NULL} team met up at school with some other students, then we "stole" stome useful technologies and headed out, on the way to the train station "Patrik"? Had an accidental slide on the ice while holding a monitor, which crerated a "monitor puzzle". after we arrived in Pilsen we headed to the tech tower via tram. We met up with the rest at the location.

After arriving we could get some coffee/tea if wanted, and some side food. Soon after the event began, they told us that hey had five sponsors, but only two were introduced: RTSoft, CIE.
Afterwards we learned that a total of 8 schools are gonna participate totaling to a total of 70 participatns.

The organizators told us that we were going to work on something to help the hospital in Pilsen.

The organizators, Sitport, wanted us to get into 10 teams of min. 4 and max. 8 per team preferably between different schools to get extra points ;)
For us, it was {NULL} plus one additional person from Slovakia (A chill dude) that helped with design and other things like FrontEnd and the presentation
We chose the second theme, the pacient personal card

Every team stole themselves a personal whiteboard free of charge from the organizators, and used it until the end of the event

Unfortunately, we didn't place at all... :(


The power of Love and Friendship always wins, but what happens if the power of love and friendship goeas against another power of love and Friendship?

The Stronger one wins... probably